
  • Opening
    7:30 AM - 8:30 AMContinental Breakast
    8:30 AM - 8:45 AMOpening Remarks
    8:45 AM - 10:00 AMThe Emerging Future of HR Leadership: Navigating Complexity & Change
    We've journeyed from the industrial era, where the focus was on managing large numbers of unskilled or semi-skilled workers in manufacturing settings, to the knowledge economy, where the emphasis is on managing highly skilled professionals who leverage intellectual capital. Alongside this evolution, we've seen a shift from a narrow focus on efficiency to a broader emphasis on empowerment and workflow optimization. Hierarchical structures have given way to matrixed, highly collaborative teams, and the emphasis has moved from consistency and predictability to customization and continuous learning.

    The future will increasingly favor highly skilled and talented workers who can navigate complexity and uncover opportunities. The HR leader's role will be to serve as a pioneering guide through the relentless pace of change—both predictable and unforeseen—fostering resilient organizations comprised of individuals who are alert, skilled, and self-directed.

    The emerging future demands a new type of HR leader – one who can not only attract and retain top talent, but also dynamically design work environments that can adapt to extreme – and often unprecedented - economic, societal, and geopolitical forces.

    This conversation will explore the current and emerging trends shaping workplaces everywhere, including technology (especially LLMs, AR, VR, and cybersecurity); cultural and political pluralism; investment markets; and globalization. Attendees will be invited to scan their current environment, take inventory of their personal and organizational change readiness, and design the contours of a framework for encountering diverse disruptive forces with intelligence, grace, and resilience.

    Lily Garcia Walton

    Chief People Officer + General Council at Silverchair

    10:00 AM - 10:30 AMCoffee Break & Sponsor Visits
    Morning Session One
    10:30 AM - 11:45 AMHR Generations Panel
    Morning Session Two
    10:30 AM - 11:45 AMHow to use AI as a Thought Partner in Career Development

    Anastasia Mizitova

    CEO of Talent14

    Morning Session Three
    10:30 AM - 11:45 AMNon-Traditional Benefits Stategies

    Kim Garrison


    Morning Session Four
    10:30 AM - 11:45 AM2024 Legal Updates and Hot Topics
    Join Woods Rogers Labor & Employment attorneys for an informative discussion of legal developments and critical updates from the courts, EEOC, DOL, and NLRB. We’ll also cover some of the hot HR topics affecting your workforce and what to expect during this season of change. You’ll leave this session informed about current legal issues and better prepared to face the unexpected.

    King Tower

    Principal at Woods Rogers

    Leah Stiegler

    Principal at Woods Rogers

    Emily Kendall Chowhan

    Associate at Woods Rogers

    Lunch Break/State of the Chapter/Sponsor Visits
    11:45 AM - 12:00 PMLunch
    12:00 PM - 12:30 PMHREA & State of the Chapter
    12:30 PM - 1:00 PMBreak and Sponsor Visits
    Afternoon Session One
    1:00 PM - 2:15 PMRecruiting Expert Panel
    Afternoon Session Two
    1:00 PM - 2:15 PMBenefits - Controlling Prescription Drug Costs
    Afternoon Session Three
    1:00 PM - 2:15 PMDeeper than DISC
    Sponsor Break
    2:15 PM - 2:30 PMSponsor Break
    Keynote Speaker
    2:30 PM - 3:50 PMKeynote (TBD)

    Kelli Palmer, Ph.D.

    Chief Employee Experience Officer at Wilowtree

    3:50 PM - 4:00 PMClosing Remarks


  • Lily Garcia Walton (Chief People Officer + General Council at Silverchair)

    Lily Garcia Walton

    Chief People Officer + General Council at Silverchair

    Read Bio
  • Anastasia Mizitova (CEO of Talent14)

    Anastasia Mizitova

    CEO of Talent14

    Read Bio
  • Kim Garrison (OneDigital)

    Kim Garrison


    Read Bio
  • King Tower (Principal at Woods Rogers)

    King Tower

    Principal at Woods Rogers

    Read Bio
  • Leah Stiegler (Principal at Woods Rogers)

    Leah Stiegler

    Principal at Woods Rogers

    Read Bio
  • Emily Kendall Chowhan (Associate at Woods Rogers)

    Emily Kendall Chowhan

    Associate at Woods Rogers

    Read Bio
  • Kelli Palmer, Ph.D. (Chief Employee Experience Officer at Wilowtree)

    Kelli Palmer, Ph.D.

    Chief Employee Experience Officer at Wilowtree

    Read Bio

Tickets Register

Early Bird - SHRM Cville Member (until 7/31)
Member Early Bird Price $155
CVille SHRM Member Ticket
Member Price $195
Early Bird Non-Member Ticket (until 7/31)
Early Bird Price $175
Non-Member Ticket