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Event Details

R. Scott Oswald, an accomplished employment lawyer, will go over how to handle unsupportive management and potential retaliation through the lens of a case his firm, The Employment Law Group, litigated against Prince George's County Memorial Library System. This case is an example of the jeopardy people in HR can face if someone higher up wants them to break company policy or even the law. In this case, a jury found that Jeffrey Naftal, a fellow SHRM member, was illegally fired after he attempted to follow library policy against his CEO's wishes. According to company policy and employment laws, Jeff did nothing wrong. He followed procedures despite his CEO urging him to break them. For that, he was retaliated against and fired.

As an HR professional, you know how to protect your company and its employees. But do you know how to protect yourself? You are just as at risk of retaliation, and your refusal to follow along with unethical practices may be something you need to defend in court. This virtual presentation provides advice on how to handle internal conflict and how to identify and fight against retaliation; and also explains why following policy and laws, instead of bending to pressure from above, is in your best interest. The wrong move could find you on the defense side of the courtroom.

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